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Thoughts on Practicing Self-Sovereignty

Updated: Feb 26, 2024

The human brain is a machine with intrusive leanings. It spits out the thoughts that correspond to where we have been focusing. Thoughts are merely reactions to the programming of the biological body and an amalgamation of events in the life an individual has been living.

We have the power to direct the quality of our thoughts by tuning our frequency toward more of what we want to think about. This is a practice of noticing what we have been thinking about. With the average human experiencing 60,000 thoughts a day, it's impossible to control the mind all the time, but it is possible to get out in front of your thoughts and direct the quality of what the mind spits out.

I've learned that emotions come from the thoughts I have been thinking. The thoughts I have been thinking are directly related to what I have been focusing on. Every thought has a corresponding emotional reaction to it. If I find that I am not enjoying what I have been feeling, I have the power to exercise free will and change how I think. The result has been a shift in my perception of reality. I experience more peace, ease and joy regularly, and if by chance I find contrast I know without a doubt I can pivot my thinking on a variety of subjects.

The awareness of my emotions transforms my reactions into responses. I believe that reactions are born from victimhood, while responses are born from self-sovereignty. I always have a choice in how I respond to all situations and experiences. And this is why sovereignty matters.

I believe that where I choose to focus my attention is what transforms the world. When I choose my responses, I can then choose more loving thoughts. I can choose more peace, ease and joy as well. I am not perfect at it, especially if my thoughts have gone unchecked, but that is why it's a practice. I believe that through choosing more loving thoughts, compassion is born. Compassion is the doorway to an expanded heart chakra, and the heart chakra is the bridge between the spiritual and the human experience. Choosing to think about love and all its vibrational equals is how I claim self-sovereignty, transform the world and find the higher frequency that is the new earth.


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