Energy maintenance is the practice of paying attention to your subtle field and adjusting your frequency accordingly. As we become more sensitive, it becomes imperative that we incorporate basic spiritual hygiene into our routine, just like brushing our teeth.
In as little time as 5 min, we can shift the energy within and around us if we take the time. In energy practice we say, where thoughts go, energy flows, this means to remember to be mindful of what we are thinking.
Another thing that we say in energy practice is, that wherever you go, there you are. This means no matter the situation you find yourself in, it is your energy that dictates what you encounter and perceive to be true.
By tending to our energy, grounding down into the heart of the Earth, and up to the Cosmos we anchor ourselves firmly into the now. The now is all we ever have. The best way to align with the now is by practicing mindful breathing in and out. With breath, we can invite new clarity into our awareness, as well as clear out energies that don't serve our highest good. By taking responsibility for how we feel we are ensuring that we are not looking outside ourselves to feel better.
Energy maintenance can be for the physical world as well. When we clean our house, we can mindfully sweep old thoughts and sticky, dense energy from our spaces with intention. By using herbs for smudging, incense, or even playing higher vibrational music we can lift the energy within a home and create a container where we can rejuvenate our spirit.
All of this takes practice and concerted effort with your spiritual self.
When you wake in the morning, take responsibility for your energy. Set your vibration while you go about your daily routine. Talk kindly to yourself, and use words that uplift you. Be mindful of your thoughts, and the narrative you have been thinking, you will surely get more of what you focus on. As you go about your day, pay attention to what you are seeing in the world. How are your manifestations working for you? Can you shift your perception of them to better feelings and thoughts?
By making your feelings a priority you attune your vibration to higher frequencies. The goal is not perfection but trust. Trust in your ability to pay attention and make choices that align with your highest vibrational frequency.
If you find that you notice your energy is low or completely drained after spending time with certain people, or activities, this is a clue that your energy field needs attention. Just like you wouldn't gather water with a pail that has holes in it, too you can't keep your energy clear if you continue to participate in activity or interactions that poke holes in your aura.
Knowing how to brush off the day's energy is good practice to know as we all become more sensitive.
Simple Practice to Clear Your Aura:
Find a quiet place in the comfort of your home, close your eyes and visualize an egg-shaped energy around your body. Open your eyes and begin by rubbing your hands together vigorously until they begin to tingle.
Without touching your body, brush the space around your body with your hands. Start with the top of your head, combing the space around you down to your toes.
It is important to use intention and visualization as you move your hands down over your aura.
After you are done cleaning the energy, rub your hands together like you are brushing off sand or chalk. You can wash your hands to complete this clearing.