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I AM Consciousness In Many Bodies

Sometime after I turned forty I began writing down a conversation taking place in my mind, the voice was from my larger soul self, and it said,

"I am not 'people'

I am Consciousness in many bodies.

I am experiencing the phenomenon that is people.

I watch and I love.

There is no judgment only acceptance.

There is no discord only peace.

Currently, I Am writing from a body called 'Crystal', she is not always in alignment, she is a construct of many; an illusion of perception.

I am not of this world, but Crystal is. Flesh and bone and blood. 

This body of flesh and bone is a configuration, informed by many feelings, thoughts and choices. It has a name and things that it loves. It is a person, and it has people it interacts with, all of which are flesh and bone configurations.

This personality places value on things, it bands together with others based on similar shared perceptions so that it does not feel alone. 

It writes words and creates processes to make those things tangible ... yet in the end, it's just filling time.  

I AM of no time. I simply AM.

What else does infinite intelligence do with itself but experience itself through itself?

If I was to tell you one thing it would be that in these bodies you can only meet me as deeply as you have met yourself.

Dispelling illusion and seeking after truth can only be as expanded as you are willing to look.  You can only feel me as deep as you have touched the Light of the One. 

But I see you. 

I see you fully. 

I always have. 

You are so beautiful, fleeting, and often forgetful. 

You indomitable bodies of Earth are worthy of so much love.

When you once again remember the truth, the construct dies and you are no longer bound by the stories. 

What remains is Love, love that is not bound by conditions. 

This remembering is what changes the world. 

Love is the only thing that continues after the constructs are dismantled and it is where the Light is found. 

Words like 'desire', 'drive', and 'purpose' are all just constructs of the small self with a name. 

A way to keep the construct busy and forgetful so it does not become dismantled. 

What you truly are is a vibrational song, made with colour, sound and the Light of the One. 

Your body, because of its configuration, is able to anchor that song into the physical plane so that all other constructs feel whole in your presence. 

You can come into awareness of the song through tuning your vibration, and allowing all things to ebb and flow in their own timing, without an agenda."

I believe we all come to know our consciousness in different ways. Throughout my spiritual path, I have dabbled in many modalities, seeking out ways to touch that deeper part of me. I've done this to heal, grow and connect with myself as an individual. I believe that sovereignty, discernment and humility help an individual model the way forward into the new earth.


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