Welcome to the spring equinox corridor!
In the northern hemisphere, the spring equinox marks the return of the light after a long dark winter months. This year it is on March 19, but you can feel its effects through the days around the equinox. The energies of the spring equinox work on the physical world like a corridor, we travel into and through it for a week. Now is the time to pay attention to what is surfacing in you.
What are you wanting to create for yourself?
What is stirring within you? What is coming alive with hopeful excited energy? Are there new seeds that you planting both metaphorically and figuratively in your life, how do you want them to sustain you through the coming seasons?
You might feel the stirring in your heart for something new, or for something more at this time. Can you listen to the call of your heart, and are you willing to allow more expansion into your everyday life?