Most people have heard of the aura, but I still find few people give it much thought in their day-to-day experience. This is going to change, as the collective increases its vibration, everyone will eventually need to understand their energy and how it interacts with their environment.
The aura is our multi-layered energy field surrounding our body and is how we pick up information from our environment all the time.
It is generated from our biomagnetic field as an extension of the physical body. Its purpose is to filter complementary and discordant energies, gather subtle information and shield an individual from the thoughts and emotions of others.
The colour layers of our aura shift to reflect what’s going on within our mental, emotional and physical experience. However, some parts of the aura don’t change colour at all. Each person's aura is different and gives an overall picture of their health.
The outer layer of the aura can be anywhere from one metre (three feet) to twenty metres (sixty-six feet) out from an individual; in some cases, an aura can be even further away from the person’s physical body if they have practiced strengthening their energy field.
While it is believed that there are more than a dozen layers of the aura, it's easiest to focus on the main seven:
1. The Etheric Layer
This is the layer closest to the body, about one or two inches out from the surface of the skin. It is connected to the root chakra, is a bluish/gray colour and is the easiest layer to train to see with the naked eye. It is strongest in people with physical vitality and weaker in those with compromised immune systems.
2. The Emotional Layer
Is the layer found about three to five inches outward and is connected to the second or sacral chakra. This layer can be the many colours of the rainbow and is connected to our emotions and feelings. This layer of the aura can hold muddy colours when we are processing various energies through the chakras.
3. The Mental Layer
About three to eight inches away from the body, this layer is connected to the solar plexus chakra. This part of the aura is all about our thought process and state of mind. It shows as a bright yellow hue and will spark with deeper shade when a person is engaging in an uplifting or creative line of thinking.
4. The Astral Layer
Is the layer of our aura where we form our astral cords with others. The fourth layer of the aura is connected to the heart chakra, is pink or rose in colour and acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual.
5. The Etheric Template Layer
This layer of the aura is connected to the throat chakra and represents the entire blueprint of the body that exists on the physical plane. It varies in colour from person to person.
6. The Celestial Layer
This layer is where the connection to the Divine and all other Beings resides. This layer is connected to the third eye chakra, is pearly white and is believed to be the layer we access unconditional love.
7. The Causal Layer
Is the layer that is furthest from the body at 3 to 6 feet, it is the seventh layer of the aura and is connected to the crown chakra, this layer holds all your information from the Akashic records, it vibrates at the highest frequency and is a luminous gold hue.
How can you feel your energy field?
Begin by simply rubbing your hands together for about 10 seconds and then slowly separating them apart, this will help you form a sort of squishy bubble between your hands. If you have difficulty, visualize a ball of white light between your palms.
Slowly pull your hands apart about two inches, then slowly push them back together again, but do not let your fingertips touch. The aura will form a subtle resistance between your hands, which you should be able to feel as you move slowly.
How can you see the aura?
A) Get a piece of white paper, then choose a room with soft or natural lighting. Place your hand (palm down) on the paper and separate your fingers. Allow your hand to be relaxed and comfortable. Next, focus your eyes on your hand and the space between your fingers. Keep staring for a few seconds, until your eyes go out of focus. Soon, you will start to see a glow around your fingers. The first layer is a soft grey/blue often with a white glow around the edge. It is different than the after-image that your eyes make
B) Have a partner assist you by having them stand or sit in front of a wall. Make sure the wall is a neutral colour (tan, cream or white work best). Once your partner is in position, sit or stand back about eight feet and use a soft gaze while focusing around the throat or center of their forehead. When you are ready, imagine seeing through your partner to the wall behind them. Your goal should be to ‘see’ a foot past your partner. At this point, your eyes will feel like they are going out of focus, this is what it means to soften your gaze. Once they do, with practice you’ll start seeing the energy around your partner.